IJSP Number 4, 2022
Issue DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2022.4
Paper title: Cross-Cultural Clinical Supervision: The Voices of International Doctoral Trainees
Authors: JIN Ling – Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, email: ing.jin1@ucalgary.ca
WANG DC Chiachih – Department of Psychology, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA, email: Chiachih.Wang@unt.edu
WATKINS, Jr. Clifton Edward – Department of Psychology, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA, email: Clifton.Watkins@unt.edu
ZHU Wenzhen – School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
ZAMUDIO Gabriel – Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
LI Shaozhuan – Counseling Center, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 4, year 2022, p. 7-28, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2022.4.1
Abstract. Supervision with international supervisees is both cross-cultural and cross-linguistic in nature. This study explored international supervisees’ experiences during the clinical supervision process, with 10 international supervisees (5 females, 5 males; Mage=31.60) participating in a qualitative study. Four themes were identified: (1) challenging aspects of being an international supervisee in supervision, (2) the supervisor’s multicultural competency or lack thereof, (3) growth-facilitating supervision strategies, and (4) addressing the supervision power differential. Findings provide a broadened vision of supervision with international trainees, helping mental health professionals better understand the unique challenges of supervision process with international trainees from a cross-cultural perspective.
Key words: Supervision, international supervisees, qualitative, multicultural, power differential.
Paper title: Creating the Psychotherapist’s Identity in the Training and Supervision Program
Author: VÎŞCU Loredana-Ileana – European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP); The Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS); “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, Romania; Chartered member with AFBPsS The British Psychological Society (BPS), email: loredana.viscu@gmail.com
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 4, year 2022, p. 29-39, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2022.4.2
Abstract. Psychotherapists are humans, and humans have different personalities and identities. So not all psychotherapists are the same, they develop differently; they have different perspectives in life and go through different training programs. Psychotherapists discover during training what motivates them in their practice, what they need to accomplish, how they need to behave with clients, with colleagues, with supervisors. Identity is also shaped in training being challenged by development both in theory and in practice, but also in supervision being challenged by the supervisory alliance and by the therapeutic relationship with the client.
Key words: Supervision, the psychotherapist’s identity, training programs, the supervisor’s identity.
Authors: FUCHS Thomas – Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications, Department of
Psychology, University of Bonn, Germany, email: ThomasFuchsPsycho@t-online.de
STEMBERGER Gerhard – Austrian Association of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy (ÖAGP), Vienna, Austria, email: g.stemberger@aon.at
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 4, year 2022, p. 41-58, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2022.4.3
Abstract. Crises in therapist-patient relationship can also become a challenge in clinical supervision. However, success and failure in establishing and maintaining constructive relationships in therapy and supervision is not only
subject to a lucky fit of personal characteristics (therapist A gets along well/badly with client B; supervisee A gets along well/badly with supervisor C). Rather, we can identify determining field conditions in the overall therapeutic and supervisory situation for this outcome. We do not only focus on the persons involved, but also on their environment, the task to be accomplished together, further framework conditions and the power relations resulting from their mutual influence – in the supervised case of therapy as well as in supervision itself. We want to examine the structure and dynamics of these relationships from a genuine Gestalt psychological perspective. What contributes to a cooperative atmosphere? When do goals get out of sight? What can make the atmosphere hostile? How do such developments become accessible in supervision?
Key words: Gestalt psychological perspective, clinical supervision, psychotherapy.
Paper title: Some Words to Reconsider Psychotherapy and Supervision
Author: GOZO Zeno – “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, Romania, email: zenogozo@yahoo.com
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 4, year 2022, p. 59-72, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2022.4.4
Abstract. Psychotherapy is a field that expands with great success even in the emergent countries of the former East-Block. It is becoming a new trend that everyone who wants to be someone, has to have one’s own ‘shrink’–a slang for us as psychologists, psychotherapists or psychiatrists. In such a context a fresh perspective – coming from a more exterior philosophical position – can be at least interesting if not instrumental as well. What should be done in every new and emergent field, theoretical or practical, is a constant and continuous analyse of its directions and an assessment of its values. Every new field of knowledge must pass, sooner or later, through an ethical filter that evaluates its status, range of ideas or structural value of its main concepts. As such, we propose an insight in the complex domain of the psychology, detached and uninvolved in the inherent psychological or therapeutic daily aspects. We want to bring up a slight change of paradigm and abstract, different from the usual involvement with the concrete cases, and the unending stream of problems people can invoke to complain, lament, get attention, or just to get rid of stress, or the loads that everyday life puts on their shoulders. Instead, we want to concentrate on some anthropological and ethical interrogations addressed to the ‘games psychologists play’, in order to put a more convenient existential accent on life itself, life that encompasses therapy, supervising and every other aspect of the psychological profession. As such, we want to enlarge a perspective that becomes, as the professional involvement increases and the years go by, inevitably narrower without even being noticed. The concrete problems of life, its endless stream of petty difficulties, coupled with stress on all sides and angles, have a very powerful effect on people, even psychologists. They are not immune from emotional and un-detached involvement in the so tempting stream of life that eats, little by little, in to the so wondrous, generous and altruistic first commitment to psychology. Fortunately, there are things that can be done, and philosophy (the yesterdays ‘mother’ of psychology) can help detachment and self-disenchantment from a narrow and to direct approach of the human problematic.
Key words: Supervision, companionship, systemic thinking, constructivism, relationship, humanness.
Paper title: Competency-Based Clinical Supervision: A View to the Future
Author: FALENDER Carol – “Pepperdine” University, Los Angeles, California; University of California, Los Angeles; email: Carol.falender@Pepperdine.edu
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 4, year 2022, p. 73-83, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2022.4.5
Some recognition exists that clinical supervision is a distinct professional competence that requires specific education and training. However, it is all too often inadequately addressed in psychology curricula and training. What is required is a shift to the competence movement that has been instituted in United States psychology education, training, and regulation to embrace a systematic and intentional competence model. To achieve this, a major attitude shift must occur to acknowledge the systematic and intentional process of clinical supervision, value the process and components, and incorporate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that need to be systematically developed as a critical component of self-reflective competency-based education and supervision, portals to lifelong learning, internationally.
Key words: Clinical supervision, professional competence, training, lifelong learning.
Paper title: Working with Odd Realities in Supervision: The Psychotic Patient
Author: POPESCU Oana-Maria – 1The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Romania, email: dr.oana.maria.popescu@gmail.com;
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 4, year 2022, p. 85-97, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2022.4.6
Abstract. Working with the psychotic patient is one of the most difficult tasks in psychotherapy, especially for beginner therapists. The paper presents some of the major difficulties in the psychotherapy of schizophrenia, structured according to the integrative-strategic approach, together with potential interventions in supervision.
Key words: Psychosis, schizophrenia, clinical supervision.