IJSP Number 3, 2021


Issue DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2021.3


Paper title: Group Supervision in Psychotherapy – Development Stages, Development Phases of the Supervisory Relationship and the Supervisee’s Development Levels

Author: VÎŞCU Loredana-Ileana – The Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS); “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, email: loredana.viscu@gmail.com;

WATKINS Clifton Edward Jr. – Department of Psychology, University of North Texas, USA, email: clifton.watkins@unt.edu;

CĂDARIU Ioana-Eva – The Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS); “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, email: cadariuioanaeva@yahoo.com.

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 3, year 2021, p. 7-27, DOI:  10.47409/ijsp.2021.3.1

Abstract. The organisation and supervision of a group of therapists, during a long period of time, are commitments that the supervisor thinks about both before starting the activity with the group and throughout the existence of the group. Supervision models can provide a mental map accordingly used by the supervisor in the journey with each supervisee, but also with the group as a whole. During each supervision session, the supervisor places the group as a whole in a development stage (coagulation, maturation, final) and identifies at the stage of development for the supervisory relationship [1] with each member of the group and with his/her level of development [2], but also with the entire group, adapting his/her style to the characteristics of each supervisee, but also to the characteristics of the group as a whole. The learning alliance is the centre of the supervision relationship. The aim of the paper is to integrate the development stages of the supervision group with the development phases of the supervisory relationship and with the supervisee’s development levels. The paper is based on our practical activity as supervisors in group supervision.

Key words: group supervision, supervision relationship, the supervisee’ levels of development, standard of competencies.


Paper title: Playing in Clinical Supervision: Encouraging Emotional Honesty, Flexibility, and Resilience

Author: DIMINO John L. – Director of the Mimesis Center, U.S.A. email: jlouisd77@gmail.com.

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 3, year 2021, p. 29-35, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2021.3.2

Abstract. Concepts from the early literature on play therapy with childrenare related to recent innovative contributions to the training of psychotherapists in supervision. A review of some of the research evidence supporting the use of role play and storytelling in supervisionis presented. Then a particular method called Mimesis is highlighted that uses stories with universal mythological themes that are relevant to the development of psychotherapists. It is hypothesized that storytelling coupled with spontaneous role-play bring both supervisor and supervisee into a liminal space that can foster empathy and the attainment of psychotherapy skills.

Key words: psychotherapy, supervision in psychotherapy, Mimesis, storytelling, role-play.


Paper title: Should We Rethink Supervision?

Author: GOZO Zeno – “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, Romania, email: zeno.gozo@yahoo.com.

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 3, year 2021, p. 37-53, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2021.3.3

Abstract. Supervision as such has been the subject of great interest, and there were many arguments to support it; most of that talk being conducted in the strict frames of psychology and psychotherapy. Considering this and the fact that, as other fields of science, psychology has its own limitations (due to some self-imposed boundaries), we believe that a brief discursive exploration must be undertaken, at least from an anthropological perspective. It is also to envisage that the problem of supervising psychology or psychotherapy should also be considered from an ethical point of view to enhance a general epistemological perspective. Additionally, one cannot forget that the psychologist, the psychotherapist, and the supervisor are and live, as well as other people, in that mainstream of humanity that encompasses all of us. Such a living and existence certainly occurs with some indelible idiosyncrasies that we will attempt to unravel these in our article. Moreover, we could have – even at the level of psychologists or psychotherapists – some unresolved psychological issues, most of them due to the closed academic environment they live and work in.

Key words: idiosyncrasy, supervision, psychology, psychotherapy.


Paper title: Quantum-Holistic Framework of Transpersonal Psychosomatics: Complete Healing and Spiritual Integration

Author: RAKOVIĆ Dejan – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade (SERBIA), in retirement; Life activities advancement center (LAAC), Belgrade (SERBIA); Whole-Self Co-Director for Serbia, email: rakovicd@etf.bg.ac.rs

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 3, year 2021, p. 55-69, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2021.3.4

Abstract. The subject of this paper is complete healing and spiritual integration within our extended quantum-holographic / quantum-gravitational (QHQG) framework of holistic psychosomatics (integrative medicine and transpersonal psychology). Such a framework could have significant implications for understanding the mechanisms of quantum-holographic control of the morphogenesis, including epigenetic bioresonance application of the healing boundary conditions within acupuncture-based and consciousness-based psychosomatics. In the context of transpersonal psychology, essentially all psychosomatic problems could have their initial roots in the energy-information attractor blockages at different levels of consciousness (caused by various trans-generational-predestined stressors), and complete healing and spiritual integration would involve their integration with healthy core of the personality, through unconditional spiritually-forgiving acceptance of oneself and one’s environment. All this is in line with the revived scientific interest in consciousness studies during past decades (anticipating the upcoming grand synthesis of two modes of knowledge, rational-scientific and creative-religious, in the framework of our extended QHQG paradigm) – with the essential role of each individual due to the influence and concern for unloading of the collective mental environment.

Keywords: quantum-holistic psychosomatics, acupuncture, consciousness, vital energy, integrative medicine, transpersonal psychology.


Paper title: Integrative Strategic Supervision Model – Constructivist Approach

Author: VÎŞCU Loredana-Ileana – European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP); The Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS); “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, email: loredana.viscu@gmail.com

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 3, year 2021, p. 71-88, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2021.3.5

Abstract. Supervision models offer a synthesis of theoretical and practical elements demanded by an efficient clinical supervision. They are classified into first and second generation supervision models. The first generation supervision models follow the development path of psychological counselling and psychotherapy, being focused on therapy, the supervisee’s development, on specifying the supervisee’s needs and the roles assumed by the supervisor. The second generation supervision models are integrative supervision models, with the emphasis on the role of common crosstheoretical factors. The integrative strategic supervision model [1], [2], [3] is a second generation supervision model, with the objective, other than the underlining of crosstheoretical common factors of supervision, with a top spot offered to the learning process, that of introducing the constructivist approach of learning, the construction of supervision as an interdisciplinary discipline and the relating of supervision to didactics through supervision projecting. The word “strategic”, from the model title, emphasizes the bases for the supervision process: the supervision framework, the learning methods used, the evaluation methods based on the supervisee’s individual factors, the tools used to supervise and materialized into: contracts, therapeutic statuses, supervision sheets, relational diagnosis sheet, etc.

Keywords: supervision models, strategic integrative supervision model, constructivist learning, supervision relationship, supervision design.


Paper title: Supervision in Psychotherapy – A Relational Perspective

Author: COICICI Andreea-Rodica – Medicis Clinics Timisoara, Romania, email: andre.ardelean@gmail.com

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 3, year 2021, p. 89-96, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2021.3.6

Abstract. Supervision in psychotherapy can become a possibility to heal using the meeting, and at the same time offer support and reparation to the supervisory relationship. Supervision is interpersonal and dynamic, it involves discovery and co-creation of a relationship. But what is relational supervision, how do its components inter-connect and inter-relate? What framework is used? What are parallel processes and pseudo-parallel processes and how do these influence the relation. These are some of the questions answered in this analysis, along with other relational characteristics of the supervisory process.

Keywords: relational supervision, supervisory relationship, client-therapist-supervisor triad, therapist’s blind spots.


Paper title: Remarks on Using One-Way Mirror Supervision Method to Train Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists

Author: ATHAR Mojtaba Elhami

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 3, year 2021, p. 97-106, DOI:  10.47409/ijsp.2021.3.7

Abstract. The one-way mirror method of supervision is an excellent method to train psychotherapists. Its positive influences on training candidates and patients are well-documented in previous studies. Based on his personal experiences as an observer of psychoanalytic psychotherapy sessions from behind a mirror, the author recognized particular materials, dynamics and defenses both in the patients and the trainees, brought out by the one-way mirror setting. The advantages of this supervision method and the materials, defenses and dynamics that this setting instigated in patients and therapists are explored separately. The importance of the supervisory relationship in dealing with such issues is elaborated.

Keywords: psychoanalytic psychotherapy, supervision, supervisory relationship, narcissism, one-way mirror supervision.