IJSP Number 1, 2019

Issue DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2019.1
Paper title: Psychotherapy Supervision: The Educational Practice of Hope, Promise and Possibility
Author: WATKINS Clifton Edward Jr. – Department of Psychology, University of North Texas, USA,
email: watkinsc@unt.edu
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 1, year 2019, p.7-13, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2019.1.1
Abstract. I subsequently (a) consider three mega-shifts in supervisory thinking — supervision as system, supervision as relation, and supervision as developmental process — that seemingly have affected all that supervision is and all that supervision will forever be, and (b) then identify ever crucial, mega-shift-consistent supervision essentials that are eminently and integrally trans-theoretical in nature. These mega-shifts and core supervision essentials, which I capture in a generic model of psychotherapy supervision, show what I view as supervision’s very best—its boundless hope, immense promise, and infinite possibility as an educational practice.
Key words: generic model, supervision, hope, promise, possibility
Paper title: Evaluation of the Supervision Process, Styles and Alliance in Integrative Psychotherapy. Clinical Study
Authors: VÎȘCU Loredana-Ileana – European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP),
The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (AIRCP), “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, Romania, email: loredana.viscu@gmail.com;
CIUCUR Daniel – Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, Romania, email: danielciucur@yahoo.com.
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 1, year 2019, p.15-31, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2019.1.2
Abstract. Supervision represents an important component of the training program in psychotherapy. The present study was realized inside an association which offers professional training in integrative psychotherapy in Romania. The purpose is to evaluate the supervision process, the supervisor’s style and the supervision alliance in three educational centres belonging to the association. The sample included in this study gathers 46 supervisees and independent therapists, who also represent the first graduate specialists of this association, after the concluding of the training and the personal development stages (the first three years of study) and of the supervision stage (two years after becoming supervisees). The objectives of this study were to identify the proper supervision type for all therapist found in different training centres; to identify the supervision style appropriate for all therapists evaluated and to identify the supervision needs of all therapists who agreed to take part in this study. Conclusions are useful for all supervisions belonging to this association and to improve the activity of supervision groups.
Key words: supervision process, supervision style, supervision alliance.
Author: VOICU Maria – The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (AIRCP), Romania, email: mv.mioara@yahoo.com
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 1, year 2019, p.33-42, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2019.1.3
Abstract. This piece of work is a succinct analysis of that factor which is common to all the psychotherapies regardless of their orientation and that of an overwhelming importance; that is the therapy relationship meant to help healing. It is at the same time a communication cord for those therapy relations, which subtly and abruptly degenerate in non-functional, defective relations, and finally compromise the success of the therapeutic process, widening, in this manner, the clients and their problems, creating a precedent in the future remedial therapy relations. This paper presents, one by one, the characteristics of a functional therapy relation, but also dimensions and features of those remedial therapy relations, which passed through changes; the decisive factors of such situations and their effects.
Key words: therapy, relation, supervision.
Paper title: Trauma Generating Suffering and the Process of Becoming Mature
Author: PARASCHIV Elisaveta – The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (AIRCP), Romania, email: elisa.paraschiv@gmail.com
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 1, year 2019, p.43-52, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2019.1.4
Abstract. When a certain situation overwhelms us so much as we can’t face it then we’ll have stored inside a trauma. Trauma received many descriptions in time, being a serious issue to be taken into consideration by psychologists worldwide. Suffering is a universal experience which affects everyone, and traumas are the constitutive part of a becoming mature process of the human being. Thus, the need to identify traumatic processes is crucial for the healing process, and a proper knowledge in this matter is also underlined.
Key-words: trauma, research, innovation, psychotherapy, supervision
Author: STRĂINU-STÎNEAN Carmen-Lucia – The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), School Counsellor, Timis County Scholar Inspectorate, Romania, email: carmen.stinean@gmail.com
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 1, year 2019, p.53-65, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2019.1.5
Abstract. The case study I will be talking about in the present paper has been approached and treated using Strategic Integrative Psychotherapy, a variant of Integrative Psychotherapy which uses the Strategic Integrative Model of the Self, a model that uses four major domains of the Self (Basic Self, Central Self, Plastic Self and External Self). These domains are intersected with six psychological axes (the Biological Axis, the Cognitive Axis, the Emotional Axis, the Psychodynamic Axis, the Existential Axis and the Family Axis). The reasons why my client looked for my help were the following: her wish to speak to a specialist about what had happened to her so that she would no longer feel “dirty”, guilty and responsible for the three rapes she was a victim to; an attempt to get rid of the feelings of anger she had towards both of her parents; solving her insomnia and improve the overall quality of her sleep; a decrease in her states of agitation, as well as her headaches and stomach cramps she has every time she tries to speak with any of her parents; building a trust in her own forces and gain self-control; the discovery of her strong traits, of her qualities and last but not least eliminating the drug treatment. The goal of the therapy was to obtain an overall good feeling, physical as well as emotional; in other words, a better functioning of the client on all sides: emotional, cognitive, social, cultural and spiritual.
Key words: Emotional Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Strategic Integrative Psychotherapy, Strategic Integrative Model of the Self, Case Study.
Paper title: The Therapist’s Reflection in Supervision. An Integrative Strategic Analysis
Author: STOICA Mihaela Alice – The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), Romania, email: mihaela@hotel-claris.ro
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 1, year 2019, p.67-72, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2019.1.6
Abstract. This paper proposes an analysis of the therapist’s reflection, an analysis of him/her self, of the client and of his/her relation with the supervisor. The therapist’s reflection takes into consideration the impact of therapist-client relations, this being the reason for analyzing the relation established with a client, who, during the first therapy session, generated resistances and blockages in the therapist. This issue was reflected on and discussed during supervision sessions.
Keywords: reflection, supervision, supervisor, therapist.