IJSP Number 2, 2020

Issue DOI: 0.47409/ijsp.2020.2


Paper title: The common core of psychotherapy supervision essentials: a trans-theoretical elaboration

Author: WATKINS Clifton Edward Jr. – Department of Psychology, University of North Texas, USA,
email: watkinsc@unt.edu

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 2, year 2020, p.7-30, DOI:  10.47409/ijsp.2020.2.1

Abstract. I earlier proposed common factors, common processes, common practices supervision perspective, identifying a number of cross-cutting, trans-theoretically applicable, practice-defining supervision commonalities. In what follows, I update that earlier proposal, detailing ways in which the perspective has since evolved. Ten different areas of supervision commonality are identified and elaborated upon: Values, principles, supervisee characteristics, supervisor characteristics, supervisor-supervisee combined relational contributions, supervisee learning/change processes, supervisor roles, supervision interventions, supervisor listening/experiencing perspectives, and pan-theoretical markers of supervision concern. A foundational tenet for this perspective remains: All psychotherapy supervision approaches are guided by a nomological network of binding commonalities that enlivens and directs supervisory action. That binding, trans-theoretical nomological network is reflected across these 10 areas of supervision commonality, what we might think of as the common core of psychotherapy supervision essentials. I frame this common core as being embedded within an educational model of supervisory action that respectively accentuates at least one critical change condition, one critical change process, and one critical change mechanism: Relationship → Reflection → Reorganization.

Key words: supervision, psychotherapy, common factors, processes, practices


Paper title: Logic of clinical supervision – design, supervision models

Author: VÎȘCU Loredana-Ileana -European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP), The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, Romania, email: loredana.viscu@gmail.com;

GYÖRGY Gáspár – Multicultural Association of Psychology and Psychotherapy, Romania, email: g14gaspar@yahoo.com;

DELCEA Cristian – “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, email: cristian.delcea.cj@gmail.com;

NEGOIȚĂ Lucian – Association of Hypnotherapy and Behavioural Cognitive Psychotherapy of Bucharest, Romania, email: negoita_lucian2002@yahoo.com.

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 2, year 2020, p. 31-42, DOI:  10.47409/ijsp.2020.2.2

Abstract. The logic of supervision provides direction and core to the meeting between two adult learners or between the supervisor and a group of adult learners (the supervision group). The supervisor’s responsibility refers both to the logic of supervision, the thinking of the supervision activity throughout its entire duration, as well as the design of all the supervision activities. Each therapist builds in time a working style with the client, but the supervisor also has his own supervision style. The logic of supervision and the supervisor’s supervisory style can be found in supervision models.

Key words: supervision, logic of supervision, design, models of supervision


Paper title: An approach to existentialism in supervision and psychotherapy, a meta-analysis

Author: PUPĂZAN Claudiu Marius – 1The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), Romania, email: claudiu.pupazan@yahoo.com

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 2, year 2020, p. 43-52, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2020.2.3

Abstract. The approach of existentialism and existential psychotherapy from the point of view of integrative-strategic psychotherapy is a special study object. Thus the implications of existentialism in the model of the self and implicitly in the therapeutic practice are emphasized. At the same time, case studies on therapeutic practice and the way in which existential-oriented psychotherapies are successful in cases where other therapeutic orientations are encountering difficulties, as well as a different perspective on problem-solving, are being analyzed. Also, in these case studies, the positive aspects that may be brought about by existential psychotherapy in other therapeutic orientations such as psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, gestalt psychotherapy, transactional analysis, individual psychotherapy and others are disclosed. Existential problems can also be found in the supervision process of psychotherapy, but in different forms than those found in a therapeutic setting, as they will be present and manifested through the therapist rather than through the client.

Key words: integrative psychotherapy, existential, supervision, case study, self-model, therapeutic practice


Paper title: Supervising a case of histrionic personality disorder – an integrative strategic approach

Author: ILIUȘ-OLARIU Ana-Maria – The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), email: ilius_anamaria@yahoo.com

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 2, year 2020, p. 53-66, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2020.2.4

Abstract. Supervision in psychotherapy represents a relatively new study domain, but absolutely necessary for the supervisee’s development. The supervision concept is thus analyzed from the perspective of a histrionic client case. Personality traits influence the way people perceive life and the way we act and react. The subject is analysed from the perspective of integrative strategic psychotherapy. This approach is a complex and efficient one which results in the development of a therapeutic and a supervisory relationship based on the integrative strategic model, built on six psychological axes (Biological, Cognitive, Emotional, Psychodynamic, Family and Existential) on four layers of the self (basic, central, plastic and external) [1], [2], where blockages appear, interactions and possible reparatory resources.

Key words: integrative strategic psychotherapy, supervision, histrionic personality disorder


Paper title: Empathy in psychotherapy. Supervised case study

Author: FARCAȘ-PETIC Andreea Alexandra – The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), email: andreea.nicsa@gmail.com

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 2, year 2020, p. 67-71, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2020.2.5

Abstract. In psychotherapy, empathy refers to reporting the same wavelength at the emotional level with the client you interact. As a human part of psychotherapy regardless of the therapeutic approach, empathy is manifested both in the relationship between the therapist and the client, as well as in the supervision relation between the supervisee and the supervisor. Following personal experience and supervision, I learned that empathy in psychotherapy does not give you the wrong information.

Key words: supervision, psychotherapy, empathy, reflection, case study, parallel process


Paper title: Traps related to adequate perception of the person in the supervision relationship

Author: COJOCEA Nicoleta – The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), email: cojocean@yahoo.ro.

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 2, year 2020, p. 73-78, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2020.2.6

Abstract. Professional supervision in integrative psychotherapy is a professional activity carried out in the form of a training course, conducted by a practicing psychotherapist with a supervisee free practice certificate in a contractual relationship, with an independent psychologist or specialist certified by coordinating forums, in order to train and develop professional skills adapted to general and integrative psychotherapy in particular. Although supervision is considered the core of the emotional and ethical psychotherapeutic practice, the knowledge we currently have, related to what constitutes a proper supervision, the number of skills and abilities needed to adapt the supervisor’s approach and style to the individual needs of supervised persons, are quite limited [1]. Supervision in psychotherapy is a challenge – both personally and professionally – addressed to both parties.

Key words: supervisor, supervisee, adequate perception of roles and persons, transfer situations and countertransfer in the supervision relationship


Paper title: Reconnecting with myself

Author: KOVACS Nina – The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), Emails: kovacs_nina@yahoo.com.

International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy, no. 2, year 2020, p. 79-86, DOI: 10.47409/ijsp.2020.2.7

Abstract. Supervision is an important process in all therapists’ professional experience, being congruent with the learning of self-analysis processes, of learning about transfer and countertransfer, of parallel processes and especially on how to behave in the working environment with the client. The analysis of case in supervision is the best way to obtain new perspectives on issues or blockages identified in life and in therapy. Thus, this paper presents my self-analysis as individual and as efficient professional during the personal therapeutic process and during supervision and training.

Key words: supervisee, case study, life scenario, personal therapy, reconnection to oneself.